Monday, August 29, 2005


Answers to Questions 1 thru 10

1. How far can a dog run into the woods?

Only half way. After that, he is running out of the woods!

2. A cow standing on three legs weighs 600 pounds. How much does the cow weigh standing on all four legs?

If the cow is supporting 600 pounds on 3 legs, each leg is supporting

600 divided by 3 = 200 pounds. So 4 legs would be 4 times 200 =

800 pounds. If you got this right, you're way off! I'm kidding!

The cow weighs 600 pounds all of the time, no matter how

many legs she's standing on!

3. How many birthdays does the average person have?

This one is open to interpretation. Each person has only 1 real birthday.

Each year the birth is celebrated. But, I think once a year is still a

birthday and either answer is right!

4. Why can't a man's hand be 12 inches long?

Because then it would be a foot! lol

5. Which weighs more: a pound of corn or a pound of feathers?

This one is straight forward. A pound of corn and a pound of feathers

are equal.

6. Which weighs more: a pound of gold or a pound of feathers?

Now we get tricky. A pound of feathers is using the avoirdupois

weights, so a pound is 16 ounces. Gold is weighed in troy weight

where a pound weighs 12 ounces. So, a pound of feathers weighs

more than a pound of gold!

7. Which weighs more: an ounce of gold or an ounce of feathers?

If you guessed gold this time, you are right! Were you guessing?

Since 12 ounces of gold weighs a pound but 12 ounces of feathers

weighs 3/4 pound (12/16), an ounce of gold weighs more than an

ounce of feathers. Another way to prove this is one troy ounce

weighs 480 grains and one avoirdupois ounce weighs 437.5 grains.

8. I have two United States coins that total 55 cents. Bear in mind that one of them is not a nickel. Then what are they?

A nickel and a half dollar. The half dollar is not a nickel! I warned you!

9. A farmer has twenty sick sheep. One dies. How many are left?

This one is better when you hear it, not read it. Twenty "sick" sheep

sounds like "twenty six" when you hear it. Anyway, 1 dies and 19

are left.

10. A farmer has twenty sheep. All but 9 die. How many are left?

If all but 9 die, then 9 are left.

So, how did you do? Leave a comment!

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